Combinational Mushroom and Cannabis Bio-Pharmaceuticals, Created using AI.

Targeting the underserved $2.16 Trillion medical markets of cancer, mental health, inflammation, obesity, and viral infection treatment, as well as preventative care and wellness with strategic IP and AI trade secrets.

Explore the science of Aion

Our Objective

Aion challenges Big Pharma’s ineffective focus on reactive treatments and drugs with a successful bio-pharmaceutical method using plant-based medicines with psychoactive &/or non-psychoactive properties; all driven by Artificial Intelligence.

Big Pharma uses expensive, synthetic drugs that are harmful to everyone. These prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death and are responsible for 45% of overdoses more than cocaine, heroin, and amphetamines combined.

Marijuana & Mushroom

We Aim At Treating The 5 Largest Disease Categories...


Over 18 Million cancer diagnoses annually.

$100 Billion annually.

Mental Health
Mental Health

450 Million people suffer from mental health disorders.

$60 Billion annually.


Over 300 Million chronic inflammation sufferers.

$93.88 Billion annually.

And General Wellness...

Disease Prevention
Disease Prevention

Prevention of diseases with immune-boosting properties.


Reduction of anxiety and calming of the nervous system.


Aids with hormonal imbalances.

Of the top 150 prescription drugs, at least 118 are based on natural sources:

74% come from plants

Paclitaxel (Pacific yew tree)

18% come from fungi

Cyclosporin (Tolypocladium inflatum)

Why AION Plant Based Bio-Pharmaceuticals?

The Global Botanical and plant-derivative drug market is anticipated to grow from $26 Billion in 2017 to $53 Billion by 2026. This boom in the market is being driven by a growing number of applications in multiple disease categories, new FDA approvals, advances in technology and manufacturing, and rising demand for naturally sourced medicines.

Failure Rate

up to 90% failure rate with current cancer treatments

Unsuccessful Depression Treatments

60-70% of current depression treatments are unsuccessful

Health Issues

Current synthetic drugs carry significant health risks

Big Pharma

Big Pharma costs trillions of dollars & millions of lives

Our Patents

Aion’s 28 proprietary formulations & patented treatments combine distillate from medical cannabis and medical mushrooms to create natural optimized combinatorial formulations, nothing synthetic.

Currently, Aion has filed 5 patents combining mushroom and cannabis compounds that target:

  • Cancer
  • Mental Health
  • Inflammation
  • Viral Infections
  • Obesity

Aion has created 28 formulations utilizing cannabis and mushroom extracts including:

  • Psilocybin only formulations
  • Mushroom only formulations
  • Medicinal Cannabis only formulations
  • Mushroom + Medicinal Cannabis (CBD or THC)
  • Mushroom + Whole Plant Cannabis (CBD or THC)

The Aion Team

Stephen D. Barnhill, M.D., BCLD

Executive Chairman

Fellowship trained in Laboratory Medicine, pioneer in machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms, inventor on more than 40 patents.
Founder, Chairman, CEO of Barnhill Clinical Laboratories acquired by Quest Diagnostics. 

Herbert Fritsche, Ph.D.

Chief Science Officer

Award-winning, former Professor and Director Clinical Chemistry at MD Anderson Cancer Center for over 40 years.

Graham Simmonds

Exec. Vice Chair & CEO

Over 20 years experience in public company management and working within regulated consumer-based industries, including cannabis, fintech and both land-based and internet gambling.

Paul Crath, J.D.

Chief Legal Director

25 years experience as principal investor, executive and lawyer in multiple growth investments in Canada and the USA in various sectors. Chief Executive Officer and Director of Plant-Based Investment Corp. and director of several private and public companies. Member of the New York State Bar Association.