Cannabis Sativa, Indica & Ruderails

Cannabis Sativa, Indica & Ruderails

Cannabis has been used medicinally for centuries. Their therapeutic value is the subject of many current studies. Beneficial effects have been shown or reported for many conditions, including cancer, viral infections, inflammation, and certain neurological conditions.

Aion compositions are created using Artificial intelligence to optimize various ratios of cannabinoids, such as the ratio of CBD to THC or other ratios depending on the specific person or the specific condition being treated.

More specifically, some of the major health benefits of cannabis that have been demonstrated by peer-reviewed scientific research include:

In cancer patients, cannabis has been shown to aid in treating neuropathic pain caused by damaged nerves and reducing the need for pain medications. Additionally, it has been shown to slow the growth of cancer cells and even cause death (apoptosis) in certain cancer cells. 

In mental health patients, CBD has been shown to be effective in alleviating psychotic symptoms and in reducing the effect of cognitive impairment. 

In viral infection research cannabis has been shown to slow down the replication of virus cells, such as Hepatitis C. 

Research in Obesity demonstrates utility in suppressing appetite, has a positive effect on the level
of fat in the body and its response to insulin and has positive effects on people with metabolic syndrome.  

In patients suffering from inflammation, THC works as an effective anti-inflammatory without the side effects of traditional steroids. CBD reduces the number of pro-inflammatory cytokines, inhibits T-cell proliferation, and induces T-cell apoptosis, while Myrcene work...